How we eliminated the data ping-pong for simple, efficient data transformation

Understanding the Redpanda Data Transform architecture

Around 60% of stream processing is spent on mundane transformation tasks. Format unification for machine learning (ML) workloads, filtering for privacy, simple enrichments like geo-IP translations — the list goes on.

To stand up something “simple” often involves three or four distributed systems, multiple nights of reading configurations, and a few too many espressos. Once you’re done, you end up ping-ponging the data back and forth between storage and compute, when all you had to do was remove a field from a JSON object.

To the data engineer, it feels like an endless game of system whack-a-mole before you can start working on the good part of actually understanding the data.

Redpanda solves this problem and eliminates the data ping-pong with Redpanda's Data Transforms. Powered by WebAssembly (Wasm), this feature allows engineers to read data, prepare messages, and make API calls without the “data ping-pong” for simpler and less expensive in-broker data transformations.

In this post, we go under the hood to show you how this engine runs.

Digging into Redpanda Data Transforms

Redpanda Data Transforms is built on the Wasm engine, which powers many other modern serverless platforms. Embedding this virtual machine directly onto each shard in Redpanda's thread-per-core architecture provides an alternative to the classical data back-and-forth when trying to make sense of real-time streaming data.

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