Redpanda Skating

Single binary

enterprise tag

A single binary with built-in schema registry, http proxy, and message broker capabilities makes it easy to deploy and scale your clusters in self-managed environments.

Kafka API-compatible

Using Kafka? Migrate to Redpanda without application code changes. New to data streaming? You get to use the entire Kafka ecosystem out-of-the box.

Redpanda Console

The easiest, most complete web UI for visibility into your data streams with powerful features for time travel debugging and cluster administration.

Local dev, CI/CD

Deploys in minutes, spins up in seconds, and runs efficiently wherever you develop – containers, laptops, x86 and ARM hardware, edge platforms, cloud instances, etc.

Developer-first CLI

Ships with RPK, a single tool for managing your entire Redpanda cluster. It handles everything from low-level tuning to node configuration, and tasks like topic creation.

No ZooKeeper™ or KRaft. No JVM.

100% freedom from external dependencies makes for easier deployments in modern environments such as Kubernetes and edge computing. No more time sunk into tuning the JVM.

Deploys anywhere

Runs easily in the deployment environment of your choice: in your cloud provider’s infrastructure, in your private cloud, on bare metal, or at the edge. Supports existing identity and access management infrastructure.

Inline data transforms

Built-in data transforms to enrich data or apply routine business logic without ping-ponging across additional processing infrastructure.

Redpanda Connect

220+ pre-built connectors to quickly and easily integrate data from disparate sources. Use for free, or purchase a plan for support and unlock enterprise features.

Bring it on

GB/s+ with a small footprint

Ekes out every ounce of juice from your infrastructure to deliver throughput never before possible. Do more with your real-time data.

10x lower tail latencies

Up to 10x lower average latencies for the same workloads on identical hardware, even under sustained loads. Read this benchmark vs Apache Kafka for all the details.

6x faster transactions

Thanks to several architectural optimizations, including an optimistic approach to Raft and parallel commits that deliver up to 6x faster transactions.

Write caching

Make fast machines faster, or run more efficiently on leaner infrastructure. Opt-in to write caching and trade guaranteed durability for drastically reduced latencies.

Predictable p99s

No page cache, no locking, no garbage collection pauses, minimal context switching, and thread-local memory access ensure application latencies you can bet your business on.

Automatic hardware tuning

Comes bundled with an auto-tuner, autonomously configuring your Linux machine for optimal performance, further boosting Redpanda's performance.


6x lower total costs

Written in C++ using a thread-per-core model to maximize utilization of hardware. Reduces hardware footprint by 3x or more and total costs by 6x.

Intelligent tiered storage

Breakthrough shadow indexing architecture for efficiently managing large amounts of data. Use of cloud object stores for long term retention keeps cost to a minimum.

Remote Read Replicas

“CDN” for your streaming data! Cherry-pick topics from operational clusters and serve them from analytics clusters without duplicating data and without additional software.

Follower fetching

Reduce network costs for multi-AZ deployments up to 50% with follower fetching, which enables consumers to fetch records from the closest physical replica of a topic partition.

Engine of record

Serves as a single-API "engine of record" for all your streaming applications and services — OLTP, RTA, OLAP and Edge.

Lightweight connectors

Redpanda Connect requires 3x less compute resources than Kafka Connect. It's a single binary that's 128 MiB, consolidating workloads onto fewer machines.


No data loss

Built on Raft and safe by default. Get the data safety you need without incurring a performance penalty. See the official Jepsen Report.

Petabyte scale

Scales from your laptop to petabytes of data without impacting code. Scales horizontally or vertically — just add more nodes or allocate more cores as your workload grows.

Continuous cluster balancing

enterprise tag

Ongoing redistribution of data and leadership across nodes enables clusters to self-manage and self-heal, preventing performance hotspots without administrative burden.

Enterprise security

Meet data security requirements without the headaches. Redpanda supports end-to-end encryption, Kerberos authentication, Kafka-compatible ACLs, cloud IAM roles, Console SSO, RBAC, and more.

Multi-AZ support

Cloud outages? No problem. Distribute your clusters across multiple availability zones (or racks) to increase system availability.

Native Prometheus integration

Built-in observability via Prometheus enables you to monitor the health and performance of your Redpanda clusters using your favorite DevOps and open source tooling. Redpanda-provided Grafana dashboards get you up and running fast.

Scalable cluster ops

Keep your Redpanda clusters in optimal health with built-in operational workflows (such as Maintenance Mode), cluster diagnostics, seamless rolling upgrades, and other cluster maintenance features.


Redpanda is an API-compatible replacement for Kafka, that is up to 10x faster, up to 6x more cost-effective and significantly easier to use. Download the detailed comparison.

CapabilityRedpandaApache KafkaDetails
Single binaryGreen check icon.-Kafka is a componentized solution with dependencies on separate nodes/binaries for ZooKeeper/KRaft, JVM, schema registry, and HTTP proxy. Redpanda is a single binary deployment (brokers, schema registry, HTTP proxy, Raft consensus are all included).
Apache Kafka APIsGreen check icon.Green check icon.Redpanda natively supports the Kafka API so it works out-of-the-box with your existing tools and integrations.
Integrated user interfaceGreen check icon.-Redpanda Console is a fully integrated user interface, also compatible with Kafka. With Kafka, must use 3rd party tools like Redpanda Console.
Data and partition balancingGreen check icon.-Redpanda features automatic data and partition balancing, allowing for hands-free ops. With Kafka, you need a 3rd party tool (Cruise Control) for partition and data balancing.
Integrated monitoringGreen check icon.-Redpanda offers monitoring available natively via Prometheus. Kafka requires third party tools.
CapabilityRedpandaApache KafkaDetails
Up to 10x performance of KafkaGreen check icon.-Redpanda achieves 10x lower average latencies vs. Apache Kafka thanks to its optimized performance architecture (built in C++, intelligent memory handling, automatic kernel tuning, async processing, thread-per-core architecture).
Predictable latency at scaleGreen check icon.-Redpanda delivers predictable latency at scale because, unlike Kafka, it bypasses the Linux page cache and manages its own memory and disk I/O.
Optimized resource efficiencyGreen check icon.-Redpanda uses 3-6x fewer compute resources than Apache Kafka when running the same workload.
Tiered storageGreen check icon.-Redpanda features tiered storage to support retention limits and compaction for topics. With Kafka, tiered storage is currently only available via third-party vendors.
CapabilityRedpandaApache KafkaDetails
Reduced TCO vs KafkaGreen check icon.-Redpanda is 3-6x more cost-effective than running the equivalent Kafka infrastructure and team, while still delivering superior performance.
Storage cost-efficiencyGreen check icon.-With Redpanda, S3-compatible cloud storage is the default storage for all streaming data, allowing for near-infinite data retention at a low cost.
Easy Day 2 operationsGreen check icon.-Redpanda automation and intelligent cluster handling eliminates the manual tuning associated with Apache Kafka.
CapabilityRedpanda CloudAmazon MSKDetails
Durabilityiconnot supportedRedpanda Cloud uses Raft-native replication and is Jepsen-verified to be safe for data. MSK uses Apache Kafka ISR for replication, which can be subject to unsafe leader election and data loss.
SLAiconiconBoth services feature a 99.9% uptime SLA.
Data sovereigntyiconiconRedpanda offers BYOC clusters, where data doesn’t leave your VPC, whether in AWS or GCP. In MSK, data doesn’t leave your VPC (limited to AWS)

Looking to improve application performance and simplify data pipelines? Give Redpanda a try or get in touch with us to learn more.